Please note that therapy is also available for free on the NHS.
Speak to your GP or your local IAPT service for more details.

Session Fees

Sessions are by default 50-minute long and their cost is £110.

When a longer session is required, this would be discussed in advance and would be charged in proportion (i.e., 90min - £165).

Included in your fee is my ongoing re-investment of those fees into ensuring:

  • Full professional insurance

  • Regular supervision with expert supervisors in their field

  • Continuous professional development (attending regular ongoing training workshops and conferences)

  • Membership & continued accreditation with professional accreditation bodies

  • Session preparation and research time.

Please bear in mind that I do not offer home visits and currently only offer online therapy.

I am registered with the major healthcare insurance companies (AVIVA, AXA, BUPA, Cigna, Simplyhealth, Vitality and WPA), with which session costs may differ from the above.


Making Payments

For your first appointment only, payment is requested on the day by bank transfer. If you decide to go ahead with regular therapy, you will be able to pay weekly by bank transfer.

When working remotely, payment is requested by bank transfer following the first and every session.

If using your health insurance, please check with your company for any excess, expiry/renew date or changes to your policy, as you are responsible for covering any fees that are not covered by your insurance.


Reciprocal cancellation policy

If you provide at least 24 hours notice, there is no cancellation charge.

Cancellations made on the day of your appointment are charged at 50% of the cost of the session.

If you simply do not turn up without notifying me, you will be charged the full rate.

In general, private insurance does not cover late cancellation or non-attendance costs. If this is your case, keep in mind that you may be liable for this payment.

Our time is equally valuable. I believe in equality, so I offer a reciprocal cancellation policy, which means that if I cancel on the day, you will get 50% off the following appointment. If I simply do not turn up, your next session is free.